9 Questions To Ask When Moving To A New Neighbourhood

9 Questions To Ask When Moving To A New Neighbourhood

A home is about so much more than just the house. A home is made up of all the character that surrounds it including your neighbours, your community and more. When moving to a new neighbourhood, the one you decide to live in should contribute to the quality of your life and have a positive impact on your day-to-day life in your new home.

To decide if a particular neighbourhood is right for you before you decide to move, there are a number of considerations you should take into account. Below is a list of many important factors to take into consideration when assessing the compatibility of a neighbourhood.

1. How Far Is My Commute?

The distance between your home and your job can impact every day of your life in your new home. If you own a vehicle, it’s important to understand the traffic patterns, available routes and other factors that could affect your commute. If you do not own a vehicle, it is important to have a complete understanding of the public transportation solutions available to you. It’s crucial that you value your time and determine if the new neighbourhood falls within your comfort zone for commute times.

2. What School District Is It In?

The school district closest to you will determine your child’s success as they ascend into adulthood. Their education will decide whether they continue into further education, the type of job that they get and their later financial success. Whether you have children yet or not, this will impact the future of your family and it needs to be considered.

3. What Amenities Are Close?

Most neighbourhoods will have the basic amenities: a post office, a small supermarket, and a pharmacy. However, when choosing your dream home, you should consider what businesses are near to you and their impact on your life. Your preferences on the resources of your neighbourhood are more important than you realize.

4. Are There Parks & Green Spaces Nearby?

The presence of green spaces near your home may be assumed but not every neighbourhood has open space. This is predominantly important for runners, families and pet owners. However, parks and green spaces have a significant impact on everyone’s wellbeing. Green space is known to improve mental health, physical wellbeing, and cognitive function.

5. What Is The Neighbourhood Traffic Like?

A high volume of traffic will not only affect your life but the quality of life in your new neighbourhood. Large amounts of traffic increase the rates of noise and air pollution in the area. This can affect your health and wellbeing such as high blood pressure, stress, and insomnia. Additionally, it is important to consider the safety of your pets, children and other family members.

6. What Is The Crime Rate Like?

Crime exists in every area but the severity of it changes and it will affect how you feel in your own home. To fully appreciate your future home, we recommend visiting it and the area at night in order to see how safe it feels to you. As well, look into the statistics for local crime and consider if there is a neighbourhood watch system in place that might combat any crime.

7. Are There Any Planned Developments?

Planned developments have their positives. They speak to a growing community that is worthy of investment. Yet, depending on their proximity to your home, building works can cause noise and traffic disruptions that could impact your life. By looking into planned developments, you can make an informed decision about the purchase of your home when moving to a new neighbourhood.

8. Is Healthcare Nearby?

A new home, especially with a young family, can be a daunting thing. Close proximity to healthcare is significantly important as it is the difference between life and death. You may not want to be next door to a hospital but a close drive to one will put your mind at ease in case there is ever an emergency.

9. Is There A Homeowners Association?

A homeowners association acts as a governing body over the general community. They can create and enforce rules about neighbourhood standards. Some people may desire such rules as they value a nice and attractive neighbourhood. Whilst other homeowners may see this as oppressive and overwhelming and prefer a neighbourhood without such an association. Learn more about homeowners associations here.

Looking To Buy A Home In The Niagara Region?

Davids & DeLaat is a team of local real estate agents that are brimming with experience in the real estate industry. We understand the distinctions between each unique neighbourhood in the Niagara Region and can provide you with the insights you need to make an informed buying decision when you and your family are moving to a new neighbourhood. To find which of the many Niagara Region neighbourhoods is right for you, reach out to us today!

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